Its Monday, August 13th 8:00 am. We have just pulled up to the Hillborough County Courthouse in Manchester New Hampshire. Why? For the trial of Adam Mueller, better known as Ademo Freeman, Free State Project activist and COPBLOCK.ORG founder.

Ademo is part of a movement; a collection of individuals choosing to eat, sleep, and breathe for the change they wish to see in the world. These individuals identify themselves as part of the Free State Project. The Project is somewhat of a call-out, if you will, for passionate Libertarians to live together in solidarity and work to “..exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of civil government is the protection of life, liberty, and property,” as noted in the Free State Project's statement of intent.

And band together they do. Individuals affiliated with The Free State Project drove from all over to be at the trial. Over 90 members of the community were present. With signs made with love and ardent voices they stood in front of the courthouse all day and filled the court room with a sense of pride and commitment akin to soldiers on the front.

This community is a band of brothers who are there for each other through every step. Their commitment towards equal freedom for all people was an inspiration to be around and a powerful force to witness. At the courthouse, Free Stater's weren't just holding signs, they were reaching out in all forms. Individuals from,, and many others were present. All armed with video cameras and smart phones, any and all information flowed freely. Websites were being updated to the minute and everything was being captured and shared.

Ademo stood in the court room representing himself against an indictment filled in December 2011 for three felony counts of wiretapping, each carrying a 7 year sentence. The indictment is based off the fact that Ademo called three government officials to receive comments on a video that was sent to from a Manchester, NH high school student, and filmed it. Why is that illegal? That's why this case is worth paying attention to.

Please check out the full video and court details, which can be viewed at tp://

Manchester, New Hampshire Courthouse, and the KAC (Keene Activist Center), Keene, New Hampshire.

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